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CusJo has been described as the world's most innovative AI-enhanced online survey platform. While it is loved by market research consultancies in Manila and trusted by customers across Quezon City, Caloocan City, Budta, Davao, Malingao and Cebu we do not rest on our laurels. Pulse Asia Research, Inc. is pleased to share with you some findings on the Performance and Trust Ratings of the Top Philippine Government Officials and the Performance Ratings of Key Government Institutions from the September 2020 Ulat ng Bayan national survey. We request you to assist us in informing the public by disseminating this information. PhilPapers+. 13K likes · 23 talking about this.

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N = 931 (target faculty). Cut-off = +/-0.05. n 10 omitted. We are planning the next PhilPapers survey, to be run in February 2020. 2020-03-28 · Here are my answers to the 2009 Philpapers survey. I excluded a couple questions. Here is the original survey.

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The Survey was taken by 3226 respondents, including 1803 philosophy faculty members and/or PhDs and 829 philosophy graduate students. This is a survey of professional philosophers and others, concerning their views on some central philosophical questions. The survey has 30 main questions and some optional background questions.

Philpapers survey

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Philpapers survey

PhilPapers is an international, interactive academic database of journal articles for professionals and students in philosophy. It is maintained by the Centre for Digital Philosophy at the University of Western Ontario. As of 2018, the general editors are its founders, David Bourget (ANU and University of London) and David Chalmers (ANU).

Philpapers survey

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We wrote an article on the results ("What Do Philosophers Believe?", published in Philosophical Studies 170:465-500, 2014) and made various other information available. In 2009, the PhilPapers team— David Bourget of the University of Western Ontario and David Chalmers of New York University—conducted a survey of the views of professional philosophers in the English-speaking world. How have those views changed in the past 11 years?

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